What do you know about Style?
Well...what DO you know about Style? I can tell you many things about my style. For instance, I would prefer wearing a collared shirt over a t-shirt in every and any occasion. Or, that I tailor and hem all of my pants as I can't stand wearing pants/jeans directly off of the rack. What I want to share about style is that there are a number of definitions that populate as soon as you Google search the word "style".(Continue reading below).
a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance,or character:
the baroque style; The style of the house was too austere for theirliking.
a particular, distinctive, or characteristic mode of action or manner of acting:
They do these things in a grand style.
verb (used with object), styled, styling.
Each definition merely communicated the centralized message of doing things in a particular or personal way. I am a huge advocate in doing things simply because it appeals to you regardless of what comments or questions you receive. I like to think of style as a form of art. Style takes practice, and isn't formulated or gained in one day or purchase. Style is an extension of your creativity as you are able to physically display it for everyone. And with that, I am welcoming and inviting you to enjoy my journey through blogging. Fear and judgement have been two big factors that have stopped me from sharing and expressing my love for clothes.That will no longer hinder me from publishing my content, as I'm glad that I am able to finally gather up the courage to show you my style.
a mode of living, as with respect to expense or display.
an elegant, fashionable, or luxurious mode of living:
to live in style.
a mode of fashion, as in dress, especially good or approved fashion;elegance; smartness.
the mode of expressing thought in writing or speaking by selecting and arranging words, considered with respect to clearness,effectiveness, euphony, or the like, that is characteristic of a group,period, person, personality, etc.:
to write in the style of Faulkner; a familiar style; a pompous, pedanticstyle.
those components or features of a literary composition that have todo with the form of expression rather than the content of the thought expressed:
His writing is all style and no substance.
to call by a given title or appellation; denominate; name; call:
The pope is styled His or Your Holiness.
to design or arrange in accordance with a given or new style:
to style an evening dress; to style one's hair.
to bring into conformity with a specific style or give a specific style to:
Please style this manuscript.
Let's hope that I didn't lose you in all of the definitions.I'll share what stood out to me the most...EVERY SINGLE MEANING(with the exception of 19).
Here's why each meaning is important:
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